Written | Directed | Sutton McKee

Starring | Megan Sousa & Daniel Ballard

On the eve of her and her husband's divorce, a failed quantum physicist successfully teleports an object for the first time, having no idea her husband has seen what she’s done.

Written I Directed I Dean Lent

Produced I Salome Breziner, Sutton McKee, Karen Imes

Starring | Reid Miller, Jonathan Silverman & Marguerite Moreau

In the midst of family confusion, Randy goes on a road trip with his school friends to discover his sexuality in the 1970s.

Written I Directed I Mukunda Dewil

Starring I Kate Bosworth, Emile Hirsch & Ashley Greene

Secrets and private demons emerge when a seemingly perfect young couple competes for a 5 million dollar prize by isolating themselves in an empty white room for 50 days. No phones, no family - only the room trying to break their resolve.


Written I Sutton McKee

Inspired by true events, THE FISHBOWL is the namesake for a neighborhood and CRIP stronghold where its members and their pawns strategically moved millions of dollars worth of narcotics and guns weekly. This story is about the people trapped inside the grip of THE FISHBOWL and the one undercover cop who attempted to infiltrate and take down the entire operation.

A proof of concept short film.

Written I Directed I Sutton McKee

A girl is unknowingly sent to a parallel dimension, in which she can not survive, by a scientist thought to have killed his wife.

A proof of concept short film.

Written I Directed I Sutton McKee

En route to Thanksgiving dinner with her family, Jess Sunland struggles to pull herself together. Black, tear filled eyes and a fracturing illusionary reality, she is clearly tortured by something or maybe someone. When she arrives at her parents house, it is as if a switch flips. Makeup for the bruises, a fake smile, within seconds everything is fine. What is she hiding? We watch as she navigates her family and best friend, fighting the physiological triggers and emotions that come with the threat of those closest to her discovering her secret… Or secrets.